
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Cool [Deal] U got there. Played it. epic


This is a mod that begins when you reach the basement with the loaded disk.
This was supposed to be a small mod, but it sadly got abandoned after a few months on the work for the next big update. I came back in 2024 and I will keep working until it's complete.


Chief Hydropolis -- "BIG SHOT" Subtitle.

fred. -- "Main Menu" Music

#undertale #mod #deltarune #spamton #spamtonboss #bigshot #rpg #fangame #fanmod #mod #bullethell

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted anything.

It's been a while!
Yesterday, the Main Menu was finished.

I'm just waiting for some permission and then I'm basically done and can go ahead and do something else.

I'd show something but there's not much to show, haha.

Stay tuned to future posts!


It's been 4 days since the last post.
I did quite a bunch of things during this time.
And I'm planning to show it really soon! Maybe like.. tomorrow? Or really soon anyway.
I'm personally proud of how the menu looks now.
And I hope it sure looks good.

Overall, today was spent just doing some stuff changing things, removing things, adding things.
I'll probably update the menu images when all of the things on the list are finished...

Might even do a before and after between the build versions, haha.

So far the menu has been in some renovations!
I'm planning to make a video showing some new stuff(and existing stuff) when possible.
Not soon but still...

I'll update the game page more as more stuff is finished.
I'm not satisfied with the menu right now, so I'm not replacing the old images yet.

So far, there have been multiple changes with the menu itself. I'm thinking what else I could add/improve in the menu itself.

I'll probably do a post when I'm actually done with the menu.

Speaking of the menu:
I was thinking of updating and changing it entirely.
But that'd be too much work so that's not going to happen.

However, one of my future mods might have this... more "modern" menu. It definitely looks better in my eye, anyway.

New Thumbnail, it's basic, but it's better in my opinion.
Anyway, the menu and whatever are getting updated and improved! No, I have still not touched the battle or cutscene yet. I'll probably be done with the menu soon.